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‘burgh day!

We have logged lots of miles this week.

Our paws are really tired as we have done a little bit of travel. Upon our time in the car the following thoughts popped up in our dog brains. Especially every time we had to slow down to merge onto a new road or worse yet get stuck at a light along PA-51. We really do miss the interstate system that surrounded us in Milwaukee. Heck even the drive through Chattanooga was smoother!

Oh mom is learning the fine art of the T. 


This first one is a little pictorial of what made the Steel City full of steel at one time.

“It’s like walking into a tomb”


This next one reminded us why it takes so long to go from one side of town to the other.

Pittsburgh from the sky, before the Renaissance


Oh and for those of you that work with transportation planning, welcome to the dark ages.

The trouble with those Pittsburgh tunnels


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