Crosby really misses Elle at 9 pm!

Since Elle left after Christmas, Crosby has started to whine for her 9pm cookie every night. Curse that Elle milk bone ritual.

It’s not like she hasn’t been getting her daily walks and quality yummies with her meals, however the tumeric is not her fave. There is something magical about 45 degree days in January that allow for laying out on the deck and grilling on the grill for dinner. Let’s just say Crosby approves of the new grill.

We hit a new record of two back to back sunny days by Pittsburgh standards. Come run with Riley’s River Rats at the Pittsburgh Cupid Run. 

If running in your undies in February on the north shore of Pittsburgh is too much for you then please help fight children’s tumors by donating to our team

Pittsburgh sunny. ☀️
Find the power plant. 🌱

Not quite sure if Crosby’s didn’t like us listening to Humankind while we packed up our week’s meal prep. The interview was with one Bob Massie:

or if you are feeling a little political:

It was funny to hear a Thanks to the IsoCube containers, we have food for the whole week ready to go. On the top of food prep, training and setting up a plan for the week. We further investigated our Humankind site and found this little tid-bit.

Finding some sleepy time.

Bed time.

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